Club Activites


The club is all about fishing. Members usually visit the waters in ones or twos. We have a booking system which prevents beats from being "over booked" - a situation which very rarely occurs because we have so many beats to choose from.

For various reasons a few members do not fish the river beats at all, prefering to visit the lakes which are less physically demanding. They also join in the club outings to commercial lakes and reservoirs and participate in club competitions.

The most regular activity for many members is attending the monthly meetings. These are social events where everyone is able to renew friendships. At the same time they may gain some knowledge relevant to the sport while relaxing with a pint or whatever their tipple. The format is straightforward; a very brief report from committee members with an update on outings and competitions; a topic for the month; discussion and chat. There is always a raffle to help boost club funds.

Brown Trout